Authentic and effective communication make the impact you want

As a communication expert, Peter Szeremi helps his clients get their messages across with authenticity, confidence and impact. The occasion can be an important one-on-one conversation or a public speaking event in front of a large audience.

His clients include companies like Sanofi, Allianz, EY, Hewlett Packard, Air France-KLM, Telekom, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, Evosoft, Randstad, a Boston Consulting Group, Ericsson, Coca-Cola, General Motors, Vodafone, European Aviation Safety Agency.

Peter's clients

  • sanofi
  • HP
  • Ericsson
  • General Motors
  • Vodafone
  • Coca Cola
  • Telekom
  • Allianz
  • Four Seasons
  • EY
  • Evosoft

Results in numbers






Public speaking

  1. How to be authentic and impactful in front of a large audience?

  2. Are PowerPoint slides really necessary for making an impact?

  3. How to handle stress and turn it into an advantage?

Management presents

  1. Are you preparing for a business review where your team has to present?

  2. Are you going to talk to employees about changes and plans?

  3. Will your team stand in front of partners or the press to introduce a new product?

Assertive Communication

  1. How do I stand up for myself in stressful situations?

  2. How do I let someone know that I dislike their behavior?

  3. How do I solve a conflict in a way that doesn't hurt the relationship?

In sync with my team

  1. Everybody is doing a good job, but people are still not functioning as a team?

  2. Are there open or hidden conflicts between team members?

  3. Do members seem to neglect team objectives in favour of individual goals?

inspirational speeches

If you organize corporate events or conferences, you may be thinking a lot about how to make them unique and memorable. I am proposing a solution which gives massive value to the participants while entertaining them at the same time.

Leadership communication

Leaders often turn to me for help when they are preparing for a big event, like having to speak in front of the entire company. Too little attention is paid to those moments though when a leader has to communicate with authenticity and impact in everyday situations.

  • Péter put a lot of effort into the preparation of the training and besides his professional excellence it was an important ingredient in the success of the program. The role plays with the actor were very useful and entertaining at the same time.

    Podhorányi László
    László Podhoranyi, Director of Customer Care, Vodafone Hungary
  • With your help, a promising manager who was unable to present his outstanding achievements became a confident, goal-oriented leader. Thank you!

    Szarka László
    László Szarka, Head of Division, MKB Bank
  • It was an enjoyavble training, made me think. It helped me a lot.

    Ternyik László
    László Ternyik, Managing Director, Clarity Consulting
  • I participated in Péter's presentation skills training years ago and I use almost daily what I learned there. Besides techniques and tips, I got confidence and a sense of achievement there.

    Fekete Judit
    Judit Fekete, Regional HR Director, PepsiCo

Media appearances

- In Hungarian -

To watch my short videos in English with tips on communication topics, please go to my YouTube channel
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